Tuesday 11 September 2012

she's gone away

i know i haven't written for some time. i also haven't used public transport, shoes, hair brush or house keys. this is different than how i usually live (ok, maybe the non-hair brushing is a permanent thing) but i came back with full trust and a big appetite for change (well, also super ugly cracks on my dry heels, and an unkempt house that needs a serious clean up but i'm ok with that) and this past week-end i had the chance to run away from the city yet for another time. destination: south of turkey on the aegean coast; only for two short days and they were spent with mum, best friend and a toddler who has the best personality, cutest looks and the fortune to live with two gourmet cooks (literally) who happen to be her parents, how lucky! some pictures below tell the story of these delightful meals we've had. obviously i've ended up eating too much of that wonderful sour bread. now i'll get home to my huge big laundry pile that needs attending to.

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